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Home / Contract Negotiation
Enterprises have experienced an average of 8% additional savings after having us assist them during the contract negotiation process. Our fee: 10% of the savings.
bestseos.com is committed to assisting buyers in finding reputable online marketing agencies. We often take this a step further by assisting buyers in selecting and negotiating with the vendors which have passed our rigorous evaluation process. Our professionals work to assist buyers in best understanding the contract offer made to them, the terms of the contract, the financial obligations, and the forecasted results of the service to help them make an informed decision.
We also work with buyers to negotiate their contracts to reduce costs and charges which may not be applicable to them while ensuring they are being provided a fair quote and a fair representation of what to expect from the service.
We are able to save as much as 10% on your online marketing due to our depth of knowledge within the space. Since we understand the needs of those searching for services while simultaneously understanding the cost of business in online marketing, we can produce realistic budgets which online marketing companies can accept while producing a great value for the buyer.
Companies which have received a quote for online marketing services approach to negotiate the financial terms of their contract. With our knowledge in the online marketing industry we can work with the agency to produce a competitive budget for online marketing that is acceptable to both the agency and the buyer while saving the buyer money.
Most buyers don't have access to the resources we have when determining an effective budget which both provides value to the provider of the service and is of fair cost to the buyer. Since 2002 we have been evaluating and ranking online marketing agencies which gives us a proprietary advantage in determining the average cost and effective cost of an online marketing project based on the types of services, the expected ROI, and other major factors.
We do not charge buyer's utilizing the service an up-front fee. If both the buyer and the seller agree with the proposed budget for the contract, we will charge the buyer a fee of 10% of the amount which we managed to save them in their online marketing.
Our research team will spend time with the buyer to understand their strengths, weaknesses, and their online marketing objectives. Based on the information obtained during this analysis our research team will identify the key requirements for the project from an objective standpoint and a financial standpoint to create an in-depth view of their requirements. We will also work to ensure that produced offers encompass the true needs and requirements of the buyer.
Once the buyer has been provided quotes and proposals our team will spend time analyzing each proposal, the statements made by each agency, and the financial obligations associated with each proposal. In many cases our team will help the buyer negotiate the price of services to better match their budget and the overall service being produced by each vendor.
Our contract negotiation service can help you get the best quote for online marketing services with the following benefits:
Allow us to assist you in getting the most comprehensive and fair quote from online marketing vendors.
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